Year of Harmony 1014, on the planet Delphi, orbiting the star Pytho. An isolationist planet gripped in the tyranny of the Hymleader. A main continent luxuriating on the fruits of the labors of the others while they suffer. On top of it all, elite Lancer pilots called the Harmonic Choir and a secret police force known as the Sub-Harmonic Choir ensure that the rule is unchallenged. It's up to five unlikely heroes to put an end to it: A noble with a death wish, a disgraced game show host, a conscripted soldier, a teenager, and a secretary turned science experiment.
- Mission 0 - Lancer Orientation
- Mission 1-1: Lancer Reorientation
- Mission 1-2: Liaison with Locals
- Mission 1-3: Celebrate Initial Successes
- Mission 1-4: Uncover Hidden Information
- Mission 1-5: Manipulate Opposition Forces
- Mission 1-6: Assassinate the General
- Mission 2-1: Reclaim Materiel
- Mission 2-2: Contact the Underground
- Mission 2-3: Reconnect with Family
- Mission 2-4: Fake a Hostage Crisis
- Mission 2-5: Interrogate Prisoners
- Mission 2-6: Destroy Hostile Base
- Mission 2-7: Crush the Remaining Mudkickers
- Mission 3-1 - Acknowledge the Climate Crisis
- Mission 3-2 - Infiltrate the Plantation
- Mission 3-3 - Sway the Locals
- Mission 3-4 - Foil the Worker Riot
- Mission 3-5 - Reconnoiter With the Locals
- Mission 3-6 - Distract the Leadership
- Mission 3-7 - Duel the Agrotissa
- Intermission - Lasers and Feelings
- Mission 4-1 - Remember to Scan for Viruses
- Mission 4-2 - Liaise With Warlord
- Mission 4-3 - Assassinate the Pirate Queen
- Mission 4-4 - Defeat the Mechanic
- Mission 4-5 - Recap and Exposit
- Mission 4-6 - Breach the Cordon
- Mission 4-7 - Kidnap the Scion
- Mission 5-1 - Plan a Breakout
- Mission 5-2 - Interview Prisoners
- Mission 5-3 - Effect a Prison Break
- Mission 5-4 - Blind the Panopticon
- Mission 5-5 - Protect the Prisoners
- Mission 5-6 - Enter Omega
- Mission 5-7 - Open a Dialog
Version: 20240731