
Monday Sep 09, 2019
The Telltale Hunt: The SoCal Squad Session 6 - Faces, New and Old
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Grant runs into an old friend. Steiner finds out that someone is wrong on the internet. Roxanne gets some mail. The squad has some VERY harrowing encounters. Music Credits: Steiner's Theme: None Shall Pass, Instrumental - Aesop Rock DMV Encounter: Fumes, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Grant's Theme: Fryerstarter, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Safehouse Theme: espionage trap - Yuki Kajiura Las Estrellas Theme: 39 Thieves, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Deadlands Theme: Wailing Capital Eld Sleika - Chiyako Fukuda The Wider Deadlands: World of Death Eldi Lugh - Chiyako Fukuda A Quiet Moment: A Bit of Happiness - Yuki Kajiura End of Session: Valhalla - Emancipator Outro: The Projector - April Rain

Friday Sep 06, 2019
The Telltale Hunt Session 31 - Bromance
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Cooper goes on a brodate. Jorgen learns firearms. Amber delivers good news. The Gang generally relaxes for a bit.

Monday Sep 02, 2019
The Telltale Hunt: The SoCal Squad Session 5 - Bug Hunt
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Steiner has some friendly conversations. Grant breaks, and/or enters. Roxanne puts the bunny in the box. The squad gets put on the bit. Music Credits: Planning: Moth - Taku Iwasaki Prepwork: Irritated - Taku Iwasaki Interacting with Civvies: Strangers - Yuki Kajiura Sneakin': Ash Wednesday - ALI PROJECT Smug Jerks: Spider Web - Taku Iwasaki Fight Music 1: Bungou Acid Jazz - Taku Iwasaki Fight Music 2: Defect - Taku Iwasaki Tension: Suspense - Taku Iwasaki Postfight: No Fragrance - ALI PROJECT Safehouse: Espionage Trap - Yuki Kajiura End of Session: Afterglow - Emancipator Outro: The Projector - April Rain

Friday Aug 30, 2019
The Telltale Hunt Session 30 - The Snallygaster and the Dwayyo
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Amber tries to mend bridges. Jorgen goes off on his own. Cooper helps prep for the fight. The Gang are in the middle of a big fight.

Monday Aug 26, 2019
The Telltale Hunt: The SoCal Squad Session 4 - Too Much Owl City
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Roxanne deals with management. Steiner deals with maintenance. Grant wheels and deals. The squad gets outclassed by a bug. (DM Note: I suffered some serious audio issues this session so my audio sounds kinda messed up. Should be fixed going forward.) Music Credits: Intro 1: A Life of Much Shame - Taku Iwasaki Intro 2: Trembling Heart - Taku Iwasaki Grant's Theme: Fryerstarter, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Steiner's Theme: None Shall Pass, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Roxanne's Theme: Catacomb Kids, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Safehouse Theme: espionage trap - Yuki Kajiura Hospital Music: Useless Chatting - Yuki Kajiura Victim Interview Theme: Netslum Tartarga - Chiyako Fukuda Hospital Music 2: All Through the Night - Emancipator Prepwork Theme: Irritated - Taku Iwasaki Investigation Theme: Tailing in Darkness - Yuki Kajiura Fight Theme 1: Bungou Acid Jazz - Taku Iwasaki Fight Theme 2: Silent Killer - Taku Iwasaki Postfight Theme: no fregrance - ALI PROJECT End of Session: Afterglow - Emancipator Outro: The Projector - April Rain

Friday Aug 23, 2019
The Telltale Hunt Session 29 - Failed Negotiations
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Jorgen talks to a woman. Amber tries to set a meeting up. Cooper ruins it all. The Gang just fucks everything up.

Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
I hope you all appreciate the terrible curse I agreed to take upon myself to bring you this. COLIN NOTES: I sure as hell am!

Monday Aug 19, 2019
The Telltale Hunt: The SoCal Squad Session 3 - Field Trips
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Steiner has some """awkward""" conversations. Roxanne makes a bet. Grant takes a detour. The squad parties with royalty and """parties""" with royalty. Music Credits: Intro: Departure for a New World - Taku Iwasaki Steiner's Theme: None Shall Pass, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Roxanne's Theme: Catacomb Kids, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Grant's Theme: Fryerstarter, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Group Theme: Five Fingers, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Weather Nonsense: Useless Chatting - Yuki Kajiura Safehouse Theme: espionage trap - Yuki Kajiura Deadlands Theme: Wailing Capital Eld Sleika - Chiyako Fukuda Winter Court Theme: A Thousand Nights, One Night (Kareoke Version) - Yuki Kajiura Combat Music: Edogawa Kitan - Taku Iwasaki Menfolk Theme: Bring Back Pluto, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Outro: The Projector - April Rain

Friday Aug 16, 2019
The Telltale Hunt Session 28 - Rockville
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Cooper gives Chapo a gift. Amber enchants a book. Jorgen meets Tofu-Chan. The Gang basically stop trying to hide that monsters exist.

Monday Aug 12, 2019
The Telltale Hunt: The SoCal Squad Session 2 - Sewer Scrap
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Roxanne asks a pertinent question. Steiner performs an execution. Grant does a baller-ass move. The squad is adored by a difficult pet. Music Credits: Lunchtime Idiocy: Useless Chatting - Yuki Kajiura Planning Theme: Moth - Taku Iwasaki Prepwork Theme: Irritated - Taku Iwasaki Investigation Theme: Tailing in Darkness - Yuki Kajiura Monster Fight Theme: Silent Killer - Taku Iwasaki Uncomfortable Choice Theme: Kante - Taku Iwasaki Postfight Music: no fregrance - ALI PROJECT Safehouse Theme: espionage trap - Yuki Kajiura Unhappy Worldbuilding Music: scars of the past - Yuki Kajiura Steiner's Theme: None Shall Pass, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Harrison Sibling's Theme: The Harbor is Yours, Instrumental - Aesop Rock End of Session Music: Emancipator - Afterglow Outro: The Projector - April Rain