
Monday Dec 16, 2019
The Telltale Hunt: The Socal Squad Session 20 - Cockfight (HEH)
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Grant commands his weasel. Steiner gets pierced by the head. Roxanne is menaced by snakes. The squad gets worked over rough. I utter the forbidden phrase. Music Credits: Intro: Baralku - Emancipator Planning: Moth - Taku Iwasaki Talking to Civilians: Strangers - Yuki Kajiura Fight Theme 2: Silent Killer - Taku Iwasaki Fight Theme 3: Defect - Taku Iwasaki The Killing Blow: kampf - Taku Iwasaki Postfight: no fragrance - ALI PROJECT The Safehouse: espionage trap - Yuki Kajiura The Wider Deadlands: World of Death Eldi Lugh - Chikayo Fukuda A Beloved Pet: tiny flower garden - Yuki Kajiura The Winter Court: A Thousand Nights, One Night - Yuki Kajiura The Harrison Siblings: The Harbor is Yours, Instrumental - Aesop Rock The Summer Court: Tokuoka - Yuki Kajiura End of Session: Rappahannock - Emancipator Outro: The Projector - April Rain

Friday Dec 13, 2019
The Telltale Hunt: The Salem Crew 7 - Abstinence 2: Lack-a-Fuckaloo
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Anna sowves a widdle pwobwem. The Mask prepares for a big fight. Ahab talks to a jerk. The Crew goes on a pleasure cruise...

Monday Dec 09, 2019
The Telltale Hunt: The Socal Squad Session 19 - Poultry Prepwork
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Roxanne asks for a favor. Grant picks out a pet. Steiners sets us up the bomb. The squad gets a look at true power. Music Credits: Intro: Baralku - Emancipator Investigation: tailing in darkness - Yuki Kajiura Planning: Moth - Taku Iwasaki Safehouse: espionage trap - Yuki Kajiura The Deadlands: Wailing City Eld Sleika - Chikayo Fukuda The Wider Deadlands: World of Dead Eldi Lugh - Chikayo Fukuda Tension: What Has to Be Defeated - Taku Iwasaki Outro: The Projector - April Rain

Friday Dec 06, 2019
Telltale Sides: Keystone Session 3 - The Silent Halls
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
People are disappearing at the Pennhurst Asylum, but when the Keystone Cabal arrives on scene terrifying things begin to happen to them. Ariel and Dale Jr suffer Dale's views on anime. Ax's Note: When I say suffer I mean we all suffer Colin's Note: Dale's views of Howl's Walking Castle do not reflect my own. The movie is a lovely piece of work that is beautiful and moving. Dale just doesn't get it. Music: All tracks by David Fesliyan (https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/royalty-free-music) Intro - "Dark Fog" Dale Jr's Intro - "Too Fly" Ariel's Intro - "Trusted Advertising" Dale's Intro - "Absurd" Everything's Normal...? / Investigating Pennhurst - "Investigations" Nightmares and Dreamscapes - "The Unsolved Murder" Escaping and Re-escaping The Nightmare / To The Attic- "Scouting Mission" One Final Nightmare - "Descendant" Fight The Darkness - "Darkness Approaches" Burn It All Down - "Investigations" Outro - "Dark Fog" NOTE: This, and all other Keystone sessions, are not canon to the Telltale Hunt.

Monday Dec 02, 2019
The Telltale Hunt: The Socal Squad Session 18 - Minor Assistance
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Roxanne learns a secret. Grant gets bit. Steiner is persuasive. The squad gets a helper they very much don't want. Music Credits: Intro: Baralku - Emancipator Steiner: None Shall Pass, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Roxanne: Catacomb Kids, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Grant: Fryerstarter, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Teens!: 421000 - Taku Iwasaki The Safehouse: espionage trap - Yuki Kajiura Investigation: tailing in darkness - Yuki Kajiura Interviewing Victims: Net Slum Tartarga - Chikayo Fukuda Straight Creepin': ash wednesday - ALI PROJECT Tension: What Has to Be Defeated - Taku Iwasaki Fight Theme 1: Bungou AcidJazz - Taku Iwasaki Postfight: no fragrance - ALI PROJECT Cooldown: Afterglow - Emancipator Outro: The Projector - April Rain

Friday Nov 29, 2019
The Telltale Hunt Session 41 - The Storm
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Amber has lunch with a friend. Cooper does a sports game with his girlfriend. Jorgen walks in a park with his work friend. The Gang suffers a devistating shake-up.

Monday Nov 25, 2019
The Telltale Hunt: The Socal Squad Session 17 - Anxiety and Affection
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Roxanne is oblivious and kind. Grant is appreciative and enthusiastic. Steiner is driven and optimistic. The squad shows some love to a friend run ragged. Music Credits: Roxanne: Catacomb Kidds, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Safehouse: espionage trap - Yuki Kajiura Heart-to-Heart: Rain and Storm - See-Saw Unhappy Realities: scars of the past - Yuki Kajiura Decompression: Baralku - Emancipator Happy Times: Indian Summer - ALI PROJECT Extra Baking Chat: Useless Chatting - Yuki Kajiura Las Estrellas: 39 Thieves, Instrumental, Aesop Rock Harmless Fighting: Edogawa Kitan - Taku Iwasaki Professor ------ Acolytes: Fumes, Instrumental - Aesop Rock End of Session: Rappahannock - Emancipator DHEA Headquarters: White Host, Green Room - Joren 'Tensei' de Bruin

Friday Nov 22, 2019
The Telltale Hunt Session 40 - Forest Fight
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Amber finishes the prep. Cooper goes on a breakfast run. Jorgen gets watched. The gang fight against the covenant yet again.

Monday Nov 18, 2019
The Telltale Hunt: The Socal Squad Session 16 - Toblerowners
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Roxanne does a lift. Steiner takes it on the chin. Grant gets called out on his shit. The squad feels bad for a friend. Music Credits: Planning: Moth - Taku Iwasaki Greater Ravens: Strange Voyage - Darren Korb Prepwork: Irritated - Taku Iwasaki Bonertime: You'll know it when you hear it, there's no mistaking it and I explicitly call it out Postfight: no fragrance - ALI PROJECT Unhappy Reality: Scars of the Past - Yuki Kajiura Cooldown: 4242564 - Taku Iwasaki End of Session: Afterglow - Emancipator Outro: The Projector - April Rain

Friday Nov 15, 2019
The Telltale Hunt Session 39 - Burkittsville
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Cooper watches the wrong news. Amber communicates via post-its. Jorgen watches the right news. The Gang gets placed on the bit.